My friend Carolyn (HI, CAROLYN!) and her husband, Todd (HI, TODD!) invited me over for a visit.
Me being convinced that Carolyn is the coolest thing since teeth whitening strips, I gleefully accepted.
They have a beautiful home, obviously full of love and thoughtfulness.
Carolyn is a gracious hostess.
She set a beautiful patio tapas table. (I've always wanted to say, "tapas table." I can't lie, though. Now I totally wish Carolyn's name was Tammy. Or Trudy. Or maybe Tallula Belle. What can I say? I like alliteration.)
It was an unbelievably gorgeous night.
Wispy clouds, deepening blue sky, a faint breeze.
Absolutely perfect.
After some lovely conversation on the patio, we moved inside.
I know what you're thinking.
Living in the frozen tundra, why would I willingly leave a lovely outdoor scene?
Unless you're brand new here, you know there could only be one answer.
Carolyn, that Princess of Perk, Temptress of Tar, Mistress of Mud, spoke those magic words.
"Want to play with my Tassimo?"
Lord in Heaven.
Did I? Did I? Uh ... DUH.
And so we did. (Sorry, Keurig.)
She even let me choose my own cup.
And you KNOW how I feel about cups. The vessel is just as important as the contents.
And that started a conversation about favorite mugs.

Turns out, Carolyn's favorite is from a shop in Paris.
And then, knowing I needed to photograph every thing I found interesting, she and Todd shared some EXTRA special stuff.
This little guy was made by their son, Davis.
I'm in love.
I mean seriously, look at those blue eyes.
And this guy, from .... uh oh. I can't remember. The Netherlands, maybe? Denmark?
They're much freer about smoking habits in Europe.
I'd like you to meet my new girlfriend, Cocoa.
She's a good girl.
Sweet and lovey with this gorgeous coat, she's got this quiet way about her that I found irresistible.
Of course, I'm also a sucker for the feisty ones, too.
I wish I could tell you I had better pictures of Nellie and Moose, but alas .... who knew wiener dogs could be so darned fast?
Come to think of it, I bet these two knew.
I leave you with this. Read it closely. You'll figure it out.
May you, too, enjoy the luxury of warm friendship, good conversation, and fresh, smooth coffee.
** Update: Carolyn brings up a fine point. We laughed. A LOT. Like uproariously a lot. It's the magic ingredient, really. Thanks, C!**
ReplyDeleteTrouble is, now everyone is going to want to come for a tapas and coffee night at the Baana Haus. Whatever will we do about that?!
Oh, and Cocoa loves you for calling her lovely and her coat gorgeous. She's more used to descriptions like "goofy" and "fluffy."
Come back again soon!
Carolyn, Clare sent me this link and that is my mosaic piece! That is so cool to see it and I know you are being "CYA'd" WooHoo!
ReplyDeleteStephanie Etzel