I have a stash of photos for "in case I forget a day" situations. This doesn't seem to hold a lot of integrity for me, though, so I'm purging. Let my purge be your victory. (The word according to Laura. You may be seated.)
I thought this was such a sweet scene. I'm sure these complete strangers don't mind me posting their photo on my website. I figure if I say "whoops" and whistle like I was mindin' my own beeswax, it's all fair ... and likely square, as well. |
From my backyard. I had to shake the ants from it before snapping this. I'm pretty sure they're still marching toward the house to kick my ass. BeeTeeDubs: did you know ants perpetuate the opening of peonies? If you kill 'em, yer flowers will give you the little stamin finger and not open at all. Tis a true story according to my friend, Steve. (HI, STEVE!) |
The maple in my backyard. I want to hug it. Ah, hell. Who are we kidding? I DO hug it! |
This is my neighbor's backyard. I like to peak through the fence periodically. This sort of vicarious voyeurism momentarily allows me a space free of weeds, thorns, dead (surprise!) birds from BobCat and the errant axe or two from Mike. (God bless them both.) |
Speakin' of Mike ... I came home from a hissy fit drive (what, like you never have?) to find him in the garage, listening to country music and burning shit while sitting on an inverted bucket. THAT'S MY BOY! |
Mid-hissy fit, I saw this rainbow. I stopped raving to myself and crying, turned on the engine and went home. Some things you just don't piss on. A promise from the Big Dude is one of them. |
My morning was pretty glorious. That espresso concentrate I made overnight (and strained for an hour this morning) plus chocolate almond milk and a shot of vanilla syrup made that one of the finest iced coffees I've ever had. The new Rolling Stone in my hand damn near curled my toes. (Sorry, Dad. I know they're a bunch of hippie communist slackers, but I like it. A LOT. And yes, Sir: I was, indeed, wearing my pink peace sign t-shirt. I'm crazy liberal like that.) |
And finally .... my cookie jar is complete. Somehow, the job search and the bill collectors all fuzz away when I see this jar filled with these cookies. I feel whole and capable and all, "VIVA MOI, BEECHIZ!" (I'm not sure where that came from. Probably, it's all the sugar. I recommend this method of sugar consumption and self-proclamation for everyone. On a monthly basis. You'll know when the time is right.)
I'm on a road trip with 'Ria tomorrow and you just never know what I'll A) talk her into or B) find along the way. I'm even taking the real camera. Stay tuned! |
ReplyDeleteA) I'm so totally stealing this whole picture a day thingy.
B) Espresso concentrate? How you make this heaven-like stuff?!
and C) Is that a chipmunk coaster? DAVE!!!!!